A story to inspire us all...
Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network is a nationally recognized rehabilitation leader who successfully assisted in the rehabilitation of 16-year-old Megan Miller, who suffered a traumatic injury that left her completely paralyzed.

Communicate the triumph of the human spirit
Megan and the Doctors at Good Shepherd did all the hard work. The content wrote itself while our studio combed through footage, developed content, conducted interviews, and weaved them together to form this both heartbreaking and beautiful narrative. Thank you Megan for inspiring us all!
$329k for the Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Hospital Emily Howatt Pliskatt Pediatric Unit, a Gala Record

“Well… Wow! Wow Wow Wow. What beautiful and moving storytelling. The team at Ruckus did an amazing job with a tremendous amount of footage. It brought tears to my eyes and will to others I am sure.”
Elizabeth, Good Shepherd Marketing Team